The Institute creates, develops, disseminates, and instructs AI’s community (its constituents) with Christian worldview resources that serve justice. AI’s community incudes students, attorneys, judges, educators, justice workers, political leaders, and anyone interested in justice. We do this so they can each better understand their callings and careers in a way that equips them to best serve Christ, advance His Kingdom, promote justice and so improve the lives of people in their communities, countries, and continents. See Luke 10:27 (and Mark 12:29-31); The Great Command), and Matt 28: 19-28 (The Great Commission).
The Institute uses two main strategies to achieve this.
First, it provides the resources available on this website. The Institute creates, otherwise locates, and disseminates Christian informational content that we believe best suits our instructional goals. The library of resources is always expanding. The Institute is involved in continuous scholarship of seeking out, reviewing, and summarizing quality Christian resources and getting that information to visitors in a good, useable system (see the Squares on the Home Page). In this way, we hope to assist visitors in choosing resources of interest and value to them, as they seek to serve Christ in their vocations.
We offer summaries of key books and articles, links to similar educational and advocacy organizations, special features for students, materials for spiritual growth, devotions and bible studies related to law and justice issues. All informational resources are categorized and located in our informational subject Squares on the Home Page, for ease of access. We have also included Squares for useful blogs, videos, podcasts, and some conference materials.
In addition to connecting visitors to established valuable materials from others, the Institute is of course creating its own resources, including study guides and books summarizing Christian worldview principles on law, justice, government and careers for the AI community. (See for instance, the Director’s own Study Guide entitled, A Summary Christian View of Law, Justice, and Government.) Such supplements and guides are designed for small group and individual study, and can be used as curricula. Institute resources are incorporated into various Squares on this website. See Squares for Books, Scholarly Articles, and Law School Subjects. We also welcome submissions for possible inclusion on our site.
Whether a student, law lecturer, attorney, judge, law enforcemer or an interested inquirer, just about anybody should find something of value in this website, serving as a library for their study and vocation.
Second, the Institute instructs and trains individuals in the AI community on how to use these Christian resources on law and justice in their local chapters, and schools, including for law school curricula. It does this equipping live, in person, and online. Live training is at AI’s (or its constituents’) seminars, conferences, and in various other venues and visits. Its online training is through videos, online discussion, and explanations available on this website. The Institute’s discussion platform allows visitors to suggest certain resources to consider for inclusion in the Institute’s site.