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CLS Book Recommendations

We often get requests from our members and friends for book recommendation. We concede that this is not an exhaustive list, and also did not want it to extend past 25 books, but wanted to have some great recommendations. You can find most of these books online. We suggest, in an effort to support local Christian bookstores, that you order these from Hearts and Minds Books, which runs our conference bookstore every year.

We are pleased to promote, first and foremost, what we view as the best book on Christian calling and the legal profession:

Redeeming Law, Michael P. Schutt, IVP Academic, (2007) 


Biblical Calling/Vocation

Can a Good Christian Be a Good Lawyer, Thomas E. Baker and Timothy W. Floyd, eds., (South Bend, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1997)

How Then Should We Work? Rediscovering the Biblical Doctrine of Work, Hugh Whelchel,  Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, The (May 16, 2012)

Jesus in the Courtroom: How Believers Can Engage the Legal System for the Good of His World, John Mauck,  Moody Publishers (July 4, 2017)

The Lawyer’s Calling: Christian Faith and Legal Practice, Joseph Allegretti, (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1996).



In His Chambers: A Ninety-One Day Devotional Experience for Lawyers, Eric Mounts (Bloomington, IN: Westbow Press);

What Does the Lord Require of You? Devotional Readings for Lawyers, Lynn R. Buzzard, ed., (Beaver Falls, PA: Geneva School of Law, 1997).



Christianity on Trial, W. Mark Lanier,  IVP Books (June 23, 2014)


Christian (Lawyers) Living

Divine Collision: An African Boy, an American Lawyer, and Their Remarkable Battle for Freedom, Jim Gash, Worthy Publishing (January 26, 2016)

The Good News About Injustice: A Witness of Courage in a Hurting World, Gary Haugan,  IVP Books; 10th Anniversary ed. edition (October 8, 2009)

The Peacemaker: A Blblical Guide to Resolving Conflict, Ken Sande,  Baker Books; 3 edition (January 1, 2004)


The Intersection of Faith and Law

A Higher Law: Readings on the Influence of Christian Thought in Anglo-American Law,  Jeffrey A. Brauch, ed., (Buffalo, NY: William S. Hein & Co., 2d ed. 2008)

Christian Perspectives on Legal Thought, Michael McConnell, Robert Cochran, and Angela Carmella, eds., (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2001)

Christianity and Law, Stephen C. Perks, (Kuyper Foundation, 1993)

Faith & Law, Bob Cochran, NYU Press (December 1, 2007)

Faith & Order: The Reconciliation of Law and Religion, Harold Berman, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., (January 1, 1993)

Law and the Bible: Justice, Mercy and Legal InstitutionsRobert F. Cochran Jr., David VanDrunen, eds., IVP Academic (October 13, 2013)

Law and Revolution, Harold Berman, Harvard University Press; Reprint edition (December 7, 1983)

Western Creed, Western Identity: Essays in Legal and Social Philosophy, Jude P. Dougherty, (The Catholic University Press, 2000)

Recovering Self-Evident Truths: Catholic Perspectives on American Law, Michael A. Scaperlanda and Teresa Stanton Collett, eds.,  (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America, 2007)

The Theological Foundation of Law,  Jacques Ellul, (New York: Seabury Press, 1969)



A Covenant to Keep: Meditations on the Biblical Theme of Justice,  James Skillen, (Washington, DC: Center for Public Justice, 2000)

God’s Joust, God’s Justice: Law and Religiion in the Western Tradition, John Witte,  Eerdmans (October 31, 2006)

God, Justice, and Society: Aspects of Law and Legality in the Bible, Jonathan Burnside, (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2010)

Justice: Rights and Wrongs, Nicholas Wolterstorff, (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010)

Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption, Bryan Stevenson, (New York: Spiegel and Grau, 2014)

Law and the Bible: Justice, Mercy and Legal Institutions, Robert Cochran and David VanDrunen, eds., (Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2013)

The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, M. Alexander, (New York: The New Press, 2012)


General Scholarship

City of God, Augustine

Treatise on Law, Thomas Aquinas

Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King, Jr.


American History

The Roots of American Order, Russell Kirk, (Wilmington, DE: Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 4th edition, 2003)


Natural Law

Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics, Stephen J. Grabill, (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2006