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SELECT BLOGS – (Christian (& Other) Legal Theory Blogs, Christianity, Culture, Law and Society)

Christian (& Other) Legal Theory Blogs


Legal Theory Blog

“All the theory that fits” by philosophy and law prof, Lawrence Solum. Interesting commentary by a careful thinker. A number of views and pieces here run contrary to a conservative or orthodox Christian perspective, but may be worthy of study, analysis, comparison, and critique.

Mirror of Justice

“A blog dedicated to the development of Catholic legal theory.” This site provides excellent commentary on a host of legal issues.

Legal Scholarship Blog – Law and Religion

Law-Related Calls for Papers, Conferences, and Workshops. Christian and non-Christian works are included.

Pryor Thoughts

This blog features Professor Pryor’s occasional and idiosyncratic views of law, culture, and tradition, not necessarily in that order.


Redeeming Law blog

Mike Schutt directs the Institute for Christian Legal Studies, a cooperative ministry of Regent University School of Law and the Christian Legal Society, whose goal is to encourage Christian law students, law professors, and practicing lawyers to seek and study biblical truth, including the natural law tradition, as it relates to law and legal institutions, and to encourage them toward spiritual growth, compassionate outreach to the poor and needy, and the integration of faith with learning, teaching, and legal practice.


“It is our privilege as human beings created in God’s image to ponder, consider, explore, and puzzle over the relationship between righteousness and justice in this world.”

Less Than the Least

The authors of this blog “are both law professors and evangelical Protestants – a weird combination in our time. We hope it’s also an interesting combination.” It is, and so are their posts.

By My God I Can Leap Over A Wall

The web log for Prof. Rick Duncan’s Religion and the Constitution class at Regent Law School. “Sell all, and purchase liberty.” –Patrick Henry

Christianity, Culture and Society


Family Restoration

The author of this blog, Prof. Lynne Marie Kohm, is dedicated to family restoration through the application of Christian legal principles, and this is the focus of her blog.

The Scriptorium Daily

Scriptorium Daily is the faculty blog of the Torrey Honors Institute in La Mirada, California, covering everything from theology to culture to politics.

The Catholic Thing

The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary.

The Gospel Coalition

A blog giving a wide variety of topics on theology, politics and society. It includes International sections.