C&G Audio Vol 28: Dan Kim: Connecting Lawyers & Law Students
C&G Audio Vol 27: Steve Hinkle on Imagination in Religious Discourse on Campus
C&G Audio Vol 26: Schutt to Law Students on Dualism, Sloth, Pride, & Drudgery
C&G Audio Vol 25: Hank Tarlton on Witnessing Communities of Law Students
C&G Audio Vol 24: Dave Pritchett on Small Town, Not-so-Oridinary Law Practice
C&G Audio Vol 23: John Terrill on Theology, Business & Integrity
C&G Audio Vol 22: Kristine Cummings on Collaborative Practice
C&G Audio Vol 21: Trinity Law Dean Steeves & Prof Kall
C&G Audio Vol 20: Richard Leiter on Libraries, the Digital Age, and the Future
C&G Audio Vol 19: A Dialogue with Louis Hensler on the State
C&G Audio Vol 18: Craig Stern on Creation, Justice, and Jurisdiction
C&G Audio Vol 17: The What & Why of Reading Old Stuff with Hindman and Crosthwait
C&G Audio Vol 16: Colby & Kim on CLS v. Martinez and the future for student campus groups
C&G Audio Vol 14: Andy Toles on Client Relationships to the Glory of God
C&G Audio Vol 13: Lead Counsel Kim Colby on CLS v. Martinez
C&G Audio Vol 12: Professor Bill Brewbaker on Christian Legal Theory
C&G Audio Vol 11: Randy Sims on Leadership
C&G Audio Vol 10: Late Night in the CLS Law Student Suite
C&G Audio Vol 9: Charlize Theron, Job, and Integrity
C&G Audio Vol 8: Dell Cook on Humor, Cynicism, and Hope
C & G Audio Vol 7: The Lawyers Calling Part 3 – Integrity
C & G Audio Vol 6: What’s a Criminal Trial For?
C & G Audio Vol 5: The Lawyer’s Calling (Part 2)
C & G Audio Vol 4: Dan Kim, Law Student Ministries: Campus Fellowship Groups
C & G Audio Vol 3: Christian Calling and Criminal Defense with JT Borah
C & G Audio Vol 2: Dan Kim, Law Student Ministries: Christian Law Students on Campus
C & G Audio Vol 1: Introduction/American Legal Education and the Christian Lawyer