Here we include information and links on a variety of social issues from selected, specialized periodicals, chiefly supporting a Christian worldview. See also the box above, “Similar Organizations and Their Resources” to occasionally find similar information and stories from particular organization (some items below are cross-listed in that box).
Alliance Alert
The Alliance Alert is a multimedia news, commentary, and information resource. We deliver a regular digest of what you need to know about religious freedom, life, and family.
Cardus – Comment Magazine
Cardus’s mission is to influence people to a Christian view of work and public life: “We seek to explore and unfold the dignity of work, the meaning of economics, and the structures of civil society, in the context of underlying patterns created by God.”
The Christian Lawyer
The Christian Lawyer is a magazine published twice a year by Christian Legal Society (USA), with the goal of challenging and encouraging vocational stewardship within the legal community. It features a wealth of interesting articles in each edition, including international issues from time to time.
Christianity Today
A Christian viewpoint magazine covering a variety of topics, including social issues, church life, discipleship, politics, and more. It includes investigative reports also.”
Citizen Magazine
Online and print resource on social and public policy issues like religious liberty, family, marriage, and life issues, including research. (Subscription required. Current issue available online. This item is cross-referenced in our Similar Organizations & Their Resources box above, under “Focus on the Family,” as CM’s publisher).
Civitate – The City Online
The City is a new publication from HBU, featuring leading voices in Christian academia and elsewhere on the critical issues of the times. A collection of thoughts deserving permanence in a fleeting age, it is published thrice annually and distributed free of charge.
A review of religion, politics and culture: no soccer scores, no recipes, no crosswords. But lots of politics….And plenty of ethics-talk. Commonweal publishes editorials, columns, essays, poetry, reviews of books, movies, plays, the media, a selection of apposite and/or funny cartoons, & lots of letters to the editors. Liberal? Conservative? Depends on the issue & the writer.
Providence Journal
This is a journal by the Institute on Religion and Democracy.
Public Discourse
This journal (by the Witherspoon Institute) “is an online publication of the Witherspoon Institute that seeks to enhance the public understanding of the moral foundations of free societies. . . .”
Shared Justice
Here is an online journal catering to millennials and students exploring the intersection of faith and politics by the Center for Public Justice.
Life News
A leading life-supporting publication, featuring issues from abortion, to euthanasia, suicide, and stem cell research.
Washington Update
This is an acclaimed online newsletter by Family Research Council.
World Magazine
A popular Christian worldview magazine featuring articles and stories on social issues, public policy, theology, government, and international information.